I’m committed to making this website at dav-idc.com accessible. Bugs will pop up and concerns will be identified, but over time this website must continue to become more accessible.
I want to make sure as many people as possible can use this website.
That means making sure that, with the help of assistive technology, people can:
- read text easily without changing fonts
- change colours, contrast levels and fonts from their browser, as desired
- zoom in up to 400% without text spilling off the screen
- listen to most of the website using recent versions of a screen reader
- navigate all areas of the website using just a keyboard
- navigate all areas of the website using a mouse and on-screen keyboard
- navigate all areas of the website using speech recognition software
For those looking to make their operating system more accessible, check out AbilityNet’s advice on making digital devices easier to use.
Accessibility goals
This website aims to fully meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2.2 at the AA level.
The real goal, however, goes beyond meeting WCAG 2.2 AA.
This website should, whenever possible, lean on simplicity, good service design, best practice and testing to create a barrier-free and effortless experience. It should specifically prioritize the needs of disabled people and work with all assistive technologies. It’s not there yet, and this goal will take time to achieve.
Preparation of this accessibility statement
This statement was last updated on January 15, 2024 by David Cox. It was initially published on January 15, 2024.
The statement is designed to be an informal document, which prioritizes transparency, documentation and openness. It encourages the sharing of any known web accessibility information, even when that info may be unflattering.
Audits and assessments
This website has not yet gone through an external accessibility audit. This is expected to be resolved by the end of 2024.
This website has also not gone through a thorough accessibility assessment internally yet. This will be resolved by the end of 2024.
Feedback and contact information
We want to hear from anyone experiencing accessibility concerns on this website.
If you find any bugs or accessibility concerns not listed on this accessibility statement, please email dav-idc@outlook.com with the following details:
- Title of the page where the concern was found
- A short description of the concern
- The effect of the concern (was it a barrier, nuisance, blocker, etc.)
- Contact details, so you can be informed of the result
Known WCAG 2.2 AA failures
As of January 17, 2024 there are no known WCAG 2.2 failures at the AA level.
Issues will be added to this section when they are identified. Issues are numbered, to make them easier to reference.
Additional known accessibility concerns
It’s possible to have accessibility concerns which fall outside of the scope of what’s covered by WCAG 2.2 level AA. Once identified and verified, some of those concerns get recorded in this section.
The intent is to document concerns which:
- haven’t yet been resolved
- show strong evidence of being accessibility barriers
- do not constitute a failure in one or more WCAG 2.2 Level AA criteria
- are determined as worth featuring in this accessibility statement
As of January 2024, the following accessibility concerns beyond WCAG 2.2 Level AA have been identified:
- Reading level: some of the content on this website is quite complex. That can affect the ability for people to understand the information. Ideally, much of this will be resolved over time, through rewrites. However, due to the technical nature of some content on this website, there is unlikely to ever be a uniform level of plain language and readability. My goal will be to prioritize readability improvements to the main pages of the website and to contact information.
Content not within the scope of this accessibility statement
This statement is intended to apply to all parts of the dav-idc website, but does not extend to external resources.
External links to web pages and files not on the dav-idc domain are not covered by this accessibility statement.
In the future, I plan to expand this accessibility statement to include shared documents which are linked to within this website and owned by David. At this time however, that expansion has not been completed.
Accessibility testing over time
Testing is an integral part of creating and maintaining an accessible website.
Any website’s accessibility may slowly deteriorate over time, as browsers, plugins and assistive technologies get updated. So, it is important to repeat testing. Just because a test initially showed no accessibility concerns doesn’t mean that will remain the case.
Currently, this website has been tested using manual testing and browser-based testing tools. In the future, it may be tested for accessibility through automated accessibility checks, user research and usability testing.
Manual testing
In January 2024, the homepage was manually tested in the following ways:
- Windows contrast themes in Edge on Windows 11
- Keyboard navigation in Firefox and Edge on Windows 11
Browser-based testing tools
In January 2024, browser based testing tools were used to test this website in the following ways:
- WAVE in Edge on Windows 11: 10+ pages tested
- axe DevTools in Edge on Windows 11: 10+ pages tested
Resolved accessibility concerns
This section documents items which used to be listed as accessibility concerns, but are now resolved. This section does not reflect the current state of the website.
Resolved WCAG 2.2 AA failures
January 17, 2024
Hidden links: The ‘anchor link’ permalinks which accompany each heading level from H2 to H6 are currently hidden from screen readers. The failure was identified independently by David, and confirmed through the axe DevTools browser extension. This is a failure of WCAG 2.2 criterion 4.1.2 Name role value. Learn more about this specific type of failure from the axe ‘aria-hidden-focus’ rule explainer.
Additional resolved accessibility concerns
January 23, 2024
Link colour: The <a>
links on this website are currently styled with the same colour as the rest of the surrounding text. Ideally, I want to offer an enhanced visual distinction for link text, by using a colour which moderately contrasts with surrounding non-link text. Since all links on this site use an underline, a colour difference isn’t necessary under WCAG 2.2 AA. However, offering a colour difference as an additional cue can help people with low vision to identify links on a page, within a sea of text.
Version history
- Version 1.0.2 (current version) | January 23, 2024
- Renamed the ‘Archive of previous accessibility concerns’ section to ‘Resolved accessibility concerns’.
- Created an ‘Additional resolved accessibility concerns’ section.
- Moved the ‘Link colour’ accessibility concern to ‘resolved’.
- Updated the ‘Browser-based testing tools’ section.
- Version 1.0.1 | January 17, 2024
- Created an ‘Archive of previous accessibility concerns’ section
- Moved the ‘Hidden links’ WCAG 2.2 AA failure to ‘resolved’.
- Added the ‘Link colour’ accessibility concern to ‘known’.
- Added the ‘Reading level’ accessibility concern to ‘known’.
- Version 1.0.0 | January 15, 2024
- Published the accessibility statement