Website code of conduct

The following code of conduct applies to:

  • all web pages, documents, media, blog posts, under the dav-idc website
  • all shared documents linked from this website, which are owned by David

On the dav-idc website, the code of conduct covers:

  • Commenting
  • Replying
  • Filling out form fields

On shared documents owned by David, the code of conduct covers::

  • Commenting
  • Replying
  • Suggesting edits
  • Editing

If you have any concerns, please contact

1. Respect others

Have respect for all fellow commenters and participants. We should all create a harassment-free environment for everyone regardless of gender, age, sexual identity, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, technical skill level, economic standing, religion or belief. Harassment will not be tolerated in any form.

2. Welcome others

Help create a safe and welcoming environment. We can do this by being open to diverse points of view and by inviting other people to join in conversation.

3. Maintain privacy

Do not share personally identifiable information (PII) such as email addresses, phone numbers, home addresses, and mailing addresses. This includes both your own PII and that of others. Sharing a name is fine, but do not pair a name with other PII. You can take screenshots of published comments for personal use, unless those comments contain PII.

4. Share responsibly

Be considerate of what you share on social media, and make sure what you share is accessible. Add helpful and descriptive alt text to social images.

5. Uphold conduct

The website and document owners reserve the right to ask anyone in violation of this code of conduct to not participate in further activities. Organizers will reinforce this code through moderation and access controls.